Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Week 9 Reading Notes: Twenty Jataka Tales, Part B

The idea of personifying animals is something that I had never really considered, but after reading these tales, I may really consider it.

Like, The Two pigs, there are so many things you can do with the animals once you personify them.

These stories are especially corny, but still the most important thing is they teach morals. These morals can be used throughout life.

The dialogue of the animals creates a sense of pleasure because they all seem to be able to communicate mostly peacefully betwwen species.

In The Patient Buffalo displays the same preconceived thoguhts that most have. For example, the monkey was a bit of a trickster.

The idea of a monkey being a playful creation is only increased through the personification of the animal.

This personification can be used to exacerbate a set of characteristics about an animal tat most people would be able to comprehend. I had never thought of this as a reason before to use personification.

                                         A cool cover that I think think represents the tales well. Link

Bibliography: Inayat. Twenty Jataka Tales. Link

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