Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Week 4 Story Planning: The Rakshasa that wept

Idea for story: The story will be about the rakshasa named Ravana who has caused much destruction throughout his life. Ravana will end up killing a mother of a baby, and it hits him hard. In the eyes of this baby, he is able to see all of his past transgressions. Ravana finally realizes all of the pain and sufering that he has caused humans all over the land. little does he know that this baby was sent down from the gods who knew that deep down, Ravana had a good heart.

Possible styles for story: My plan for this story is to have a story that gives off a very dark and negative vibe. I don't plan on including much dialogue, and maybe none at all. It would be like a narrator telling the story as he/she looks upon what is happening. 

Another option I could implement is to include dialogue, in order to fully emphasize on the akr effects that I wish to portray in the story. For example, since I want the Rakshasa Ravana to experience a great deal of pain, adding some dialogue may help the reader fully comprehend how much pain he is in physically and emotionally. 

Ravana: A very dangerous Rakshasa, and the main character of the story, who becomes very depressed after realizing everything he has done

Village people: Killed by Ravana. These people aren't important to the story, but are meant to display the amount of destruction thta Ravana causes

Mother of baby: Killed by Ravana, found cradling the baby that is sent from the gods.

Baby: sent down from the gods with magical eyes that show all of a person or being's wrongdoings. 

                                                      (Ravana before his demise. Link)

Bibliography: Ramayana Online: Public Domain Edition, Link to reading

1 comment:

  1. This is a cool story idea. When I think of Ravana I picture him as the devil on Earth. Never have I thought to feel sympathy towards a character like Ravana but this seems to be your angle. He is portrayed to be this killing machine but in the end he has feelings feelings of compassion just like everyone else. I am looking forward to the product of this story planning post.
